Duration: 01:34:10
Actor: Rio Shibuya
Studio: Tokyo-Hot
Release: August 15,2018
I’d love to knock out the 8-head model of long legs as you like. The time has come to realize a longtime dream of devils. The target is a slender model Rio Shibuya. Because it is preeminent in style, you can wear anything such as RQ costumes and OL style suit etc. It was the beginning of unhappiness that I was invited to have good work. It is insulting to further pursue the place which is being surrounded by the funny men and is about to run away. The dirty cock hurt me to a pussy model that suits him well. Rio, who was invited to be an easy job and entered the scene, was praised for being beautiful and in a good mood. She seems satisfied with showing model walking. Praise adequately and feel relieved and insult at once. The scenario which makes it unfaithful after all alone is already made up already It is only Rio that I do not know. It is only now that I can laugh. It is the poor actor that came closer to Rio which imagined the sweet tangle with handsome. It is a disgusting man who sees as if he licks Rio’s body. Rio is unfaithfully informed that the poor actor is the opponent. It protests, it is deep kissed soon and licked in the face. I take off my clothes and lick it up to my fingers.
長い脚の8頭身モデルを好き放題にハメまくりたい。鬼畜どもの長年の夢が実現する時がやって来ました。ターゲットはスレンダーモデルの渋谷莉緒。スタイル抜群なのでRQ衣装やOL風スーツ等何を着ても良く似合います。良い仕事があると誘われたのが不幸の始まりでした。キモい男達に囲まれ逃げ出しそうになっているところをさらに追い詰めて陵辱。汚らしいチンポが良く似合うマンコモデルに貶めてやりました。 簡単な仕事だと誘われて現場入りした莉緒は美人だと褒められ上機嫌。モデル歩きを披露し満足そうだ。適当に褒めて安心させ一気に陵辱。後はひたすらハメまくり無茶苦茶にするシナリオは既に出来上がっているも知らないのは莉緒のみ。笑っていられるのも今のうちだけだ。イケメンとの甘い絡みを想像していた莉緒に近付いて来たのはチビ男優。莉緒の身体を舐め回す様に視カンする気持ち悪い男だ。莉緒はそのチビ男優が相手と知らされ絶句。抗議するも直ぐにディープキスされ顔中を舐め回される。さらに服を脱がされ脚の指まで舐めまくられる。 Full videos HD