Takara Eizou SPRD-1177 My Mother in law Kaoru Shimazu Who Was Embraced By A Wolf


Duration: 01:51:49

Actor: Shimazu Kaoru

Studio: Takara TV

Release: August 09,2019


Daughter married greeted the son-in-law taken into family, killed her husband at the timing seems smooth sailing, Kaoru has been working hard to protect the Shimazu house. However, the is without very much rely on the son-in-law of should mainstay, stress of Kaoru had just increased. Holiday, daughter went shopping, but the son-in-law is a game spree. Kaoru is the lazy appearance of such a son-in-law, it dropped the lightning. When the son-in-law would say, is the way the holiday of moments, yet without some time and night with his wife, what have earned was trembling with anger as though it is their own. Kaoru went back to the clean and say that you want to say to the son-in-law. And standing son-in-law and feel the sign behind, he was suddenly attacked. Son-in-law is wildly Shidaki massaging the Kaoru, went stripped the clothes. Is also not win the force of the son-in-law to resistance, Yuku being fucked in mercy. Forcibly been cunnilingus, hard and became a meat stick made me suck, and had been agitated violently medium. Son-in-law is fired, but leave the place, Kaoru had been a while trembling and Purupuru on the spot. That night, Kaoru was sitting in the living room in the languishing facial expressions. Appeared before son-in-law is Kaoru apologetic, said the words of apology. And hugging to the son-in-law so as to block the word, was the kiss as fawn. So, when it was attacked in the daytime son-in-law, Kaoru had tasted the climax several times. Unreliable and is squid many times to the son-in-law had been thought, many times in hard, hot cock was cut the vaginal wall. Kaoru that was shaking was because had been ruminating the feel of a son-in-law of the meat stick. Kaoru love press seems to view and take out the meat stick there was son-in-law becoming hard, it was began licking slowly out of the kneeling and tongue ….娘が結婚し婿養子を迎え、順風満帆だと思われたタイミングで夫が亡くなり、かおるは島津家を守るべく頑張ってきた。しかし、大黒柱である筈の婿がどうも頼りなく、かおるのストレスは増すばかりだった。休日、娘は買い物に出掛けたが、婿はゲーム三昧。かおるはそんな婿の怠惰な姿に、カミナリを落とした。婿はというと、休日のひと時を邪魔され、しかも妻との夜も暫く無し、稼いできているのは自分なのにと怒りに震えていた。かおるは婿に言いたいことを言うと掃除をしに戻った。背後に気配を感じると婿が立っており、突然襲いかかっていた。婿は乱暴にかおるを揉みしだき、服を剥いでいった。抵抗するも婿の力には勝てず、なすがままに犯されてゆく。強引にクンニされ、硬くなった肉棒を咥えさせられ、中を激しくかき回されてしまった。婿が発射し、その場を立ち去るが、かおるは暫くその場でプルプルと震えていた。その夜、かおるは思いつめた表情でリビングに座っていた。婿が申し訳なさそうにかおるの前に現れ、謝りの言葉を言った。その言葉を遮るように婿へ抱きつくと、甘えるようにキスをした。そう、昼間婿に襲われた際、かおるは何度も絶頂を味わっていた。頼りないと思っていた婿に何度もイカされ、硬く熱い肉棒で何度も膣壁を削られた。かおるが震えていたのは婿の肉棒の感触を反芻していたからであった。かおるは硬くなりつつあった婿の肉棒を取り出すと愛おしそうに眺め、跪くとベロを出しゆっくりと舐め始めたのであった…。
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Actors: Takara TV