SIRO-4105 SIRO A Yaritin Man 1 A man whose wife or girlfriend has sex with other men 2 A fetish in which men enjoy watching their female partner having sex with other men, particularly men who are more physically imposing Her Physique That Can Not Be Happy With A Extremely-Paid A man who marries a woman in order to maintain exclusive mating privileges with her



Studio: SIRO

Release: April 10,2020


The subject photographed for the first time today is Haruka, 33 years old, who works at the bank of Kamikawa. Working in a serious workplace, she seems to have a little resistance to being shot with a camera. I’ll ask her to dig deeper into her profile where she’s still worried. There seems to be a husband working in the same job, and the ring shines on the thin ring finger. The husband who is the branch manager seems to have a good income, but seems to be dissatisfied with the night work. The horny pheromone of a married woman is drifting from her where there is a lot of horns, and the excited man’s cock is already in an erect state
本日初撮影の被写体は、神○川の銀行で働いている、はるかさん33歳。真面目な職場で働く彼女は、カメラで撮られることに対して少し抵抗感がある様子。そんなまだ不安が残る彼女のプロフィールを根掘り葉掘り聞いていく。同職で働いている旦那がいるらしく、細い薬指には指輪が光っている。支店長をしている旦那の収入はいいみたいだが、夜の営みには不満があるらしい。ムラムラが溜まっている彼女からは人妻の厭らしいフェロモンが漂っていて、興奮した男の肉棒はすでに勃起状態 Free HD on YehPorn

Actors: SIRO