NAGIRA GNAX-007 New Intruder Sound


Period: 01:52:58

Actor: Rinne Touka

Studio: NAGIRA

Launch: July 19,2019


OL ayano (Rin sound thanks?) a promise of marriage, lived a cheerful life together with her boyfriend. Someday whereas escaping rape assault magic ayano within the house to your eyes. Schadenfreude smile sneak assault magic. Rape to ayano as hungry beast. In the long run, a beloved father killed is pushed down into the depths of distress, ayano. Ayano and 住mitsuka to violence, is perpetrated day by day in motive and opposite to fall into sexual slavery was…OLの彩乃(凛音とうか)は彼氏と結婚の約束もして幸せな毎日を送っていた。ある日逃走中の婦女暴行魔が帰宅中の彩乃に目を付ける。ほくそ笑み忍び込む暴行魔。飢えた野獣のように彩乃をレイプする。挙げ句の果てに、最愛の父親をも殺られてしまい、不幸のどん底に突き落とされた彩乃。暴行魔に住みつかれ、毎日犯される中、理性とは裏腹に性奴隷に堕ちて行く彩乃だったが…。
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Actors: NAGIRA