Duration: 01:05:14
Actor: Miu Tamura
Studio: 1Pondo
Release: August 21,2020
Miwa, a uniformed glasses girl (aka school girl), was taken away by someone on her way home. When I noticed, the whole body was tied up with a rough rope. Miu who is groped all over the body by a glassy man who has a sigh of breath without knowing what it is. Even if he tried to resist, he couldn’t speak because of the pain of the rope that bites into his body through his uniform and the fear of being caught by an unfamiliar man. A barbarian man who escalates such Miwa sideways. Rubbing the bountiful breasts that no one but the parents has shown, the devil’s hands finally reach a pretty bud that does not know the man. For some reason, the body reacts sensitively to a man’s relentless caress, even if he is disgusted with his head. Bound more! Bring more! Miu sticks her butt out as if driven by a voice (desire) rising from the bottom of her heart. And finally, a strange chunk of meat enters Miu… A strange fate of a latent de M type school girl who loses her freedom and loses even chastity. With your eyes, with your hands, and with that meat stick, look carefully at them.
帰宅途中に何者かに連れ去られてしまった制服メガネっ娘(通称:女子校生)・美羽。気が付くと全身を荒縄で縛り上げられていた。何が何だか分からないまま鼻息の荒いグラサン男に体中を弄られる美羽。抵抗しようにも、制服越しにムッチリボディに喰い込む縄の痛みと見覚えのない男にまさぐられる恐怖とで声も出ない。 そんな美羽を横目にどんどんエスカレートしていく男の蛮行。親以外には見せたことのない豊満な胸を揉みしだかれ、ついに魔の手はまだ男を知らない可憐なつぼみへと伸びてゆく。 男の執拗な愛撫に、頭ではイヤがっていても、なぜか体は敏感に反応してしまい・・・そして生まれて初めて味わう天にも昇るような高揚感。「もっと縛って!」「もっと苛めて!」心の奥底から湧き上がる声(欲望)に突き動かされるように尻を突き出してゆく美羽。そしてついに異形の肉塊が美羽の中へ・・・。 体の自由を奪われたまま貞操までも奪われてしまう、ある潜在性ドM型女子校生の数奇な運命。その目で、その手で、その肉棒で、しっかりと見届けてあげてください。 Free HD on XLove18